The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has proposed significant changes to the OSHA Fire Brigade Standard (1910.156). If approved in its current form, the rule will impact all fire departments (volunteer, combination, and paid) across New York and the country.

The 608-page document outlining the proposed changes would incorporate costly health and safety standard mandates and expose municipal fire departments to litigation and costly settlements. It could also cripple already fiscally strapped departments and further negatively impact the recruitment and retention efforts of struggling volunteer fire departments. NYCOM fully supports measures that will protect first responder safety. However, there needs to be a balanced approach that takes into consideration the realities of each department.

As a result of the over 4,000 comments that were submitted to OSHA during the public comment period (NYCOM’s joint letter can be found here), OSHA has scheduled an informal public hearing on the proposed rule beginning on November 12, 2024. 

Additional information about the proposed rulemaking can be found here.

The OSHA Emergency Response Standard Proposed Rule Can Be Found Here: Emergency Response Standard; Proposed Rule | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (
U.S. Department of Labor Information: Emergency Response Rulemaking | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (
Information Webinar By OSHA Training Institute: Webinar: Emergency Response Rule
Federal Register – Submit A Comment: Federal Register :: Emergency Response Standard



(Four Separate One-hour Webinars)
 • NOV 19: Open Meetings Law
 • DEC 3: Understanding ARticle 78
 • DEC 10: Ethics
 • DEC 17: Parking


Presented by Wade Beltramo, NYCOM General Counsel

Tuesday, November 19th (11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.): The Open Meetings Law
While the requirements of New York’s Open Meetings Law (OML) are fairly straightforward, there are a lot of scenarios that can create confusion. Moreover, the OML’s new videoconference procedures have left quite a few local officials scratching their heads. This webinar will provide a full explanation of the OML’s fundamental requirements. The presentation will also highlight recent OML amendments, including videoconferencing, the public’s right to access records that are scheduled to be discussed at meetings, the definition of “public body,” and the posting of meeting minutes.

Tuesday, December 3rd (11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.): Understanding Article 78: Drafting Decisions That Will Withstand a Legal Challenge
Because decisions of ZBAs and planning boards are frequently challenged in court, ZBA and planning board members should understand the litigation process and the legal standards courts apply when reviewing ZBA and planning board decisions. This webinar will provide an overview of the Article 78 process which governs challenges to ZBA or planning board determinations, highlighting the arbitrary and capricious and substantial evidence standards. The webinar will conclude with a discussion of how to draft determinations that meet the standards for making administrative decisions.

Tuesday, December 10th (11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.): Ethics for ZBA and Planning Board Proceedings
The land use decision-making processes can be highly contentious, with costly projects at stake and peoples’ property rights in play. An issue that constantly arises in proceedings before ZBAs and planning boards are claims of ethical lapses and misconduct. Sometimes charges of a conflict of interest or bias are well-founded, and sometimes such charges are merely attempts to disqualify local officials. The very nature of being a local official, namely having to be a resident of the municipality and in many instances being a property or businesses owner, creates some degree of interest in the applications that come before them. This webinar will address the basics of ethics for ZBAs and planning boards, including prohibited conflicts of interest and bias, ex parte communications, and prejudging applications. The webinar will also cover the steps officials can take to deal with such cases, including requesting ethics opinions from boards of ethics, recusal, having alternate board members, and disclosure.

Tuesday, December 17th (11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.): Parking: How It Impacts Community Development & How to Do It Right
This final webinar in NYCOM’s 2024 planning and zoning webinar series will cover parking. No land use issue is more mundane and yet more controversial than parking. Off-street parking requirements can be found in practically every local zoning code. But Professor Donald Shoup has shattered the myths that have served as the foundation for parking standards for decades, standards that have caused substantial harm to communities across the country. This session will examine case law interpreting parking. In addition, this session will address Professor Shoup’s research and what it means to local zoning codes and ZBAs handling variance requests for parking.

These webinars are open to NYCOM members and non-members, including non-planning board and non-ZBA members. The cost of participating in each webinar is $25 for members and $75 for non-members.

Annual Planning & Zoning Training Requirement: Note that each of these webinars will last 1 hour. If your city or village allows webinars as a valid form of training, individuals who participate in each of the four webinars will satisfy the State’s four-hour annual training requirement for planning board and ZBA members. CLE: In addition, each of these webinars is eligible for one hour of CLE credit in the Area of Professional Practice. Attorneys wishing to obtain CLE credit for participating in these webinars MUST PRE-REGISTER. These CLE courses contain new content for 2024 and are not “repeat” courses for purposes of the NYS CLE Board's “no repeat” rule. In addition, these CLE courses are appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys and are a permissible format for newly admitted attorneys. For a copy of NYCOM's CLE Financial Hardship Policy, contact Wade Beltramo at (518) 463-1185 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


(Two-Part Series)

 • Nov 13: Part I
 • Nov 20: Part II

Presented by Rebecca Ruscito, NYCOM Counsel

NYCOM's two-part Village Elections Webinar Series will provide a thorough overview of the village elections process in an interactive format.

REGISTER | Part I on Wednesday, November 13th (12:00 - 1:30 p.m.) will address ballot access, voter registration, absentee and early mail-in ballot applications, and ballot preparation.

REGISTER | Part II on Wednesday, November 20th (12:00 - 1:30 p.m.) will address election inspector appointment and training, poll watchers, election day procedures, dealing with voters not on the registration list, canvassing the vote, the clerk's post-election responsibilities, and the availability of election records.

These webinars are FREE and available to NYCOM members only.

NYCOM Advocacy Update (9-4-24)

NYCOM Advocacy Update (9-4-24)

NYSLRS Announces Increased Employer Contribution Rates for 2025-26


Obligating ARPA Funds

Obligating ARPA Funds

Consistent with the final rule issued by the US Treasury, all ARPA funds must be obligated by December 31, 2024. The information below will clarify the amended definition of "obligation" and several related issues.

Obligate it or Lose it! Preparing for the Upcoming ARPA SLFRF Obligation Deadline

WEBINAR: U.S. Department of the Treasury: State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds: New Obligation FAQs

The updated obligation-related FAQs are found in the new Section 17:

  • What is an obligation? Please refer to Section 17 of the SLFRF FAQs for the latest information on the obligation requirement and how to meet the obligation deadline of December 31, 2024.
  • Do subrecipients have an obligation deadline? No. Refer to FAQ 17.18.
  • Are revenue loss funds automatically obligated? No. Refer to FAQ 17.15.
  • Questions about personnel costs in 2025 and 2026: Refer to FAQs 17.6, 17.7, and 17.9.
  • Questions about flexibilities for contracts after the obligation deadline: Refer to FAQs 17.16, 17.17, and FAQ 17.19.
  • What if I have questions about legal and administrative costs after the obligation deadline? For more information on these expenses, refer to FAQs 17.10, 17.11, 17.12, and 17.13.
  • What if my community has already obligated all of our SLFRF funds?  Please see FAQ 17.3 and 17.14.  Remember that all SLFRF recipients are required to continue to submit reports to Treasury as outlined in the SLFRF Compliance and Reporting Guidance.
NYCOM Legislative Priorities Meeting (Virtual)

NYCOM Legislative Priorities Meeting (Virtual)

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1 (10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. (VIA ZOOM)


On Friday, November 1, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., NYCOM will host a meeting (via Zoom) to establish our Legislative Priorities for 2025. 

As local officials, your perspectives on the issues that impact your communities are crucial in shaping NYCOM's priorities and ensuring that our legislative efforts align with your needs and those of the residents you serve. Your experience, insights and expertise are invaluable to this process.

There is no fee for this meeting and all pre-registrants will receive an email in advance with the policy proposals to be discussed.

If there is a particular legislative initiative that you would like to have addressed, please contact NYCOM's Legislative Director This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

NYCOM's 2024 Fall Training School Recap

NYCOM's 2024 Fall Training School Recap

Thank you for joining us for NYCOM's 2024 Fall Training School for City and Village Officials in Saratoga Springs. We look forward to seeing you September 15-19, 2025 in Lake Placid.

Freedom of Information Law & Open Meetings Law: Virtual Information Sessions

Freedom of Information Law & Open Meetings Law: Virtual Information Sessions

Kristin O’Neill, Deputy Director and Counsel for the Committee on Open Government, will be presenting a virtual Freedom of Information Law information session on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. –11:30 a.m. and a virtual Open Meetings Law Law information session on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 from 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. You are welcome to sign up for one or both programs. Continuing Education Credit not provided. The programs will consist of a one-hour overview of the statute, followed by 30 minutes of a question-and-answer period.

Pre-registration is required, however, all registrations will be automatically approved. You will receive a confirmation email from WebEx with instructions for joining the session. If you do not see the confirmation e-mail, please check your spam or junk folder. Committee staff is not able to provide WebEx technical support.

TUESAY OCTOBER 22, 2024 (10:00 A.M.)

Freedom of Information Law Information Session



TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2024 (1:00 P.M.)

Open Meetings Law Information Session



NYCOM's 2024 Annual Meeting Recap

NYCOM's 2024 Annual Meeting Recap

Thank you for joining us for NYCOM's 2024 Annual Meeting and Training School held at The Sagammore. We look forward to seeing you May 28-30 in 2025!