NYCOM Advocacy Update (9-4-24)

NYCOM Advocacy Update (9-4-24)

NYSLRS Announces Increased Employer Contribution Rates for 2025-26


$750,000 Available to New York Municipalities Under Zero-emission Vehicle Rebate Program

$750,000 Available to New York Municipalities Under Zero-emission Vehicle Rebate Program

Applications Now Open

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Interim Commissioner Sean Mahar announced the next round of DEC’s Municipal Zero-emission Vehicle (ZEV) Rebate Program, which will provide $750,000 to municipalities for the purchase or lease of zero-emission light- and medium-duty fleet vehicles. These municipal zero-emission vehicles will help New York achieve the greenhouse gas emission reduction requirements as part of the State’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act).

A total of $750,000 is available from DEC for municipalities to apply for funding on a first-come, first-served basis starting April 25, 2024, DEC is accepting applications on a rolling basis through Sept. 27, 2024, or until funds are exhausted, whichever occurs first. Rebates are available to municipalities across the State that purchase – or lease for a minimum of 36 months—an eligible vehicle placed into municipal service at a dealership in New York State between Sept. 30, 2022, and Sept. 27, 2024. All electric, plug-in hybrid, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are eligible for rebates.

More details can be found in the Request for Applications (RFA) posted on the DEC website. Applications are available through the NYS Statewide Financial System Grants Management System.

Enacted 2024-25 New York State Budget Highlights
Under Governor Hochul’s leadership as part of the 2024-25 Enacted State Budget, $12.5 million was included for the Climate Smart Communities Grant Program as part of the $400 million Environmental Protection Fund, in addition to $2 million for the regional Climate Smart Communities Coordinators.

As part of the Climate Smart Communities Grant Program, this year’s budget authorizes DEC to provide up to 80 percent of the cost of projects to municipalities that meet the criteria for financial hardship and for projects located in disadvantaged communities. State funding will continue to be complemented with support from the $4.2 billion Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act, including $5 million for Climate Smart Communities grants.

For more information on the Enacted 2024-25 State Budget, including accelerating the clean energy transition, read the full press release.

Obligating ARPA Funds

Obligating ARPA Funds

Consistent with the final rule issued by the US Treasury, all ARPA funds must be obligated by December 31, 2024. The information below will clarify the amended definition of "obligation" and several related issues.

WEBINAR: U.S. Department of the Treasury: State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds: New Obligation FAQs

The updated obligation-related FAQs are found in the new Section 17:

  • What is an obligation? Please refer to Section 17 of the SLFRF FAQs for the latest information on the obligation requirement and how to meet the obligation deadline of December 31, 2024.
  • Do subrecipients have an obligation deadline? No. Refer to FAQ 17.18.
  • Are revenue loss funds automatically obligated? No. Refer to FAQ 17.15.
  • Questions about personnel costs in 2025 and 2026: Refer to FAQs 17.6, 17.7, and 17.9.
  • Questions about flexibilities for contracts after the obligation deadline: Refer to FAQs 17.16, 17.17, and FAQ 17.19.
  • What if I have questions about legal and administrative costs after the obligation deadline? For more information on these expenses, refer to FAQs 17.10, 17.11, 17.12, and 17.13.
  • What if my community has already obligated all of our SLFRF funds?  Please see FAQ 17.3 and 17.14.  Remember that all SLFRF recipients are required to continue to submit reports to Treasury as outlined in the SLFRF Compliance and Reporting Guidance.



Click HERE to view joint letter from the Associations.


The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has proposed significant changes to the OSHA Fire Brigade Standard (1910.156). If approved in its current form, the rule will impact all fire departments (volunteer, combination, and paid) across New York and the country.

The 608 page document released by OSHA outlining the proposed changes would incorporate costly health and safety standard mandates and expose municipal fire departments to litigation and costly settlements. This one size fits all approach could cripple already fiscally strapped departments and further negatively impact the recruitment and retention efforts of struggling volunteer fire departments. NYCOM fully supports measures that will protect responder safety. However, there needs to be a balanced approach that takes into consideration the realities of each department.

OSHA’s proposed changes has been published in the Federal Register and has a 90-day comment period that closes on July 21, 2024. The time to act is now. NYCOM is currently working with the Firefighters Association of the State of New York (, the Association of Fire Districts of the State of New York ( and other fire service organizations in a united effort to get the comment period extended to allow for additional time to fully digest and appropriately respond to the proposed rule changes. For more information on this issue, please contact John Mancini, NYCOM Counsel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The OSHA Emergency Response Standard Proposed Rule Can Be Found Here: Emergency Response Standard; Proposed Rule | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (
U.S. Department of Labor Information: Emergency Response Rulemaking | Occupational Safety and Health Administration (
Information Webinar By OSHA Training Institute: Webinar: Emergency Response Rule
Federal Register – Submit A Comment: Federal Register :: Emergency Response Standard



Workplace Violence and Harassment and Discrimination Webinar: October 3, 2024

9:00 am sign up with this link
10:00 am sign up with this link

This is for ALL employees who need to satisfy the New York State mandated annual training for Discrimination and Sexual Harassment and Workplace Violence. Certificates will be emailed to registered Zoom attendees ONLY. If viewing the webinar as a group, retain a sign in sheet for your municipality’s documentation of training. The link you will be provided after registration is only valid for you. It cannot be shared and used on an alternate computer.

You will need to be present for the entire presentation in order to receive a certificate of completion. You must register in advance for these webinars by clicking the appropriate link below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


We are excited to kickstart our exclusive One-on-One Consultation service. Elisabeth Dubois, NYMIR’s Cybersecurity Risk Specialist will reach out to you in advance of your renewal, typically 2-3 months prior, to schedule a personalized meeting. During this consultation, you'll have the opportunity to:

  • Navigate Cyber Applications: We will guide you through the cyber application process, ensuring all necessary information is accurately completed for a smooth renewal.
  • Address Recommendations: If you have received cybersecurity recommendations, we will be on hand to clarify any questions and assist in implementing these essential enhancements.

Click HERE for a description of Cyber Security Service FREE to our NYMIR Cyber Members*


October 2, 2024 | 9:00 a.m.

Click HERE for description and registration details